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What is Deep work?
Tristan Bell avatar
Written by Tristan Bell
Updated over a year ago

Deep work is work that requires your distraction-free focus and something we practice in every live focus session at FLOWN.

The concept of deep work was popularized by Cal Newport in his book, 'Deep Work: Rules for Success in a Distracted World.'

Deep work demands your undivided, distraction-free attention – this is the work that truly matters, whether it's driving a significant project forward in your professional life or propelling your personal growth to new heights.

A deep work session is essentially a dedicated block of time you reserve for diving into your tasks. At FLOWN, our deep work sessions typically span from one to two hours.

During our live virtual focus sessions, we advocate for 50 minutes of uninterrupted concentration, followed by a well-deserved 5-minute break. This approach is rooted in extensive research and aims to promote regular breaks to revitalize your diminishing focus.

You can read more about deep work in our easy to digest guide or explore a FLOWN academy course on deep work.

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